GMC Terrain: Customer Information / GM Mobility Reimbursement Program

This program is available to
qualified applicants for cost
reimbursement, up to certain limits,
of eligible aftermarket adaptive
equipment required for the vehicle,
such as hand controls or a
wheelchair/scooter lift for the
To learn about the GM Mobility
program, see
or call the GM Mobility Assistance
Center at 1-800-323-9935. Text
Telephone (TTY) users, call
General Motors of Canada also has
a Mobility program. See
or call 1-800-GM-DRIVE
(800-463-7483) for details. TTY
users call 1-800-263-3830.
Online Owner Experience (U.S.)
The GMC online owner experience
is a one-stop resource that allows
interaction with GMC and keeps
important vehicle-specific
information in one place...
For U.S.-purchased vehicles, call
1-888-881-3302; (Text Telephone
(TTY): 1-888-889-2438).
For Canadian-purchased vehicles,
call 1-800-268-6800.
Service is available 24 hours a day,
365 days a year...
Other information:
The exterior lamp control is on the
instrument panel to the left of the
steering column.
There are four positions.
: Turns the exterior lamps off
deactivates the AUTO mode. Turn
to again to reactivate the
AUTO mode.
In Canada, the headlamps will
automatically reactivate when the
vehicle is shifted out of P (Park)...
It is unusual for a tire to blow out
while driving, especially if the tires
are maintained properly. See Tires. If air goes out of a tire, it is
much more likely to leak out slowly.
But if there is ever a blowout, here
are a few tips about what to expect
and what to do:
If a front tire fails, the flat tire
creates a drag that pulls the vehicle
toward that side...